Category Archives: Membership

Shape the Future – Special Offer on Dues

“Shape the Future” special offer on dues

Save 50% on National dues when you join at a public event

(such as our Annual Meeting, Special Event, or a Branch Meeting)

Member National Dues for fiscal year July 2021 – June 2022 (Half Price $31) + State Dues ($10) + Branch Dues (Varies by Branch) – if you join at a public event!

Of the $31 Half-Price National Dues for Members, $31 is tax deductible.  (State and Branch dues are not tax deductible.)

Student National Dues (Half Price $9.50) + State Dues ($5) + Branch Dues (Varies by Branch)

Of the $9.50 Half Price National Dues for Students, $9.50 is tax deductible.   (State and Branch dues are not tax deductible.)

Membership renewal (full rate): 

Members: National ($62) + State ($10) + Branch dues

Student Affiliates (Undergraduates or degree-seeking graduate students enrolled in full-time or part-time programs): National ($18.81) + State ($5) + Branch dues

Note:  Students can received free e-memberships, if their school is a College/University Partner.

Tax Deductibility of Full Dues

AAUW national membership dues are $62, of which $59 is tax deductible as a charitable contribution. The remaining $3 is not tax deductible because it supports the AAUW Action Fund’s section 501(c)(4) Capitol Hill Lobby Corps and get-out-the-vote activities. Student dues (for Non-AAUW College/University (C/U) Members (Undergraduate or degree-seeking graduates enrolled in full-time or part-time programs)  may renew at this rate through graduation:  $18.81 (of which $16.81 is tax deductible and $2 is not).  Membership for Students of AAUW C/U Members is $0.